documentos cientificos de VNM en pediatria

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documentos cientificos de VNM en pediatria

Hice un lista del documentos "cientificos" por el curso VNM en pediatria.

- A pilot study: by Audry Yasukawa et al. from U.S.A.Investigating the Effects of vendaje neuromuscular in an Acute Pediatric Rehabilitation Setting. Am J. Occup Ther 60(1):104-10

- Case report by Hille Maas from Estonia, pediatric physical therapy intervention using vendaje neuromuscular in Estonia. FP2007;7(3):355-361

- Case report by P. Greve et al from Brasil-Congres Portugal Effect of the bandage vendaje neuromuscular in spasticity in Cerebral Palsy in diparetic Palau de Congressos WCPT RR-PO-1673

- Study (10 children) by Pelland et al from Canada, Predictive control of posture to voluntary model of the effects of vendaje neuromuscular on motor performance poster AACPDM 2007

- Case study by Esther de Ru & Marc v. Zuilen from Spain Vendaje Neuromuscular integrado en fisioterapia funcional pediátrica. Jornada Hispano-Brasileira Alteraciones en Neurología Infantil 8 y 9 de mayo de 2009 Madrid

- Case studies: Trish Martin & Audrey Yasukawa U.S.A. vendaje neuromusculartape in paediatrics to improve Oral Motor Control & TMJ instability 18th Annual Symposium Tokyo 2003 (vendaje neuromuscular website)

- Study 5 children Jaime P Cepeda et al from the U.S.A.Does vendaje neuromuscular of the abdominal muscles improve the supine-to-sit transition in children with hypotonia? (vendaje neuromuscular website)

- Case study 12jr old female (&2 adults) Ron Brandon et al
The use of vendaje neuromuscular Tape in patients diagnosed with patellofemoral pain(FPF) (vendaje neuromuscular website)

- Case series of 5 by Kayoko Maruko from Japan vendaje neuromuscular with Aqua-Therapy for Pediatric Disability involging Neurological Impairement (vendaje neuromuscular website)

- Case study baby by P. Nuvoli from Italy
Bambini e cerotti, vendaje neuromuscular in etá pediatrica Baby with psychomotor retardation and metatarsus adductus in Newsletter 2004 (website Aneid Italy)

- Case study on drooling by Esther de Ru from Holland Drooling – possible new treatment method to help reduce excessive drooling (website Atena Portugal, UK, Spain)

- Case Study by I. Jiménez Mata from Spain
El vendaje neuromuscular aplicado a alumnus con NEE:experiencia en un centro educativo efisioterapia website mayo 2009

- Case Study on asthma by Marc van Zuilen from Spain
El uso de vendaje neuromuscular para incrementar el nivel de oxigenación en pacientes con neuropatiá crónica (website Atena) Spain

- Article by Audrey Yasukawa and T. Martin from the U.S.A.
vendaje neuromuscular Tex Tape as an adjunct to treatment for older children with brachia plexus injuries. UPBN Outreach winter 2005-06

- vendaje neuromusculartape and Hypotonia, study by Carol Motyka et al (vendaje neuromuscularwebsite)

In the Polish Journal of Physiotherapy a number of articles regarding vendaje neuromuscular in various paediatric disorders have been published.
Contents 2006-2009 include: The effects of taping in scoliosis treatment (resp. 18 and 22 children), effects of taping on motor activity of 30 children with developmental defects, the application of vendaje neuromuscularlogy taping and Vojta screening in 28 children with CNS damage.

In NDTA Network Monica Diamond speaks of both rigid and elastic tape in: Lending an Extra Hand – taping as an adjunct to NDT treatment. Tape use in the management of the Web Space, was discussed by Bonny Boeing in the 2005 .

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Esther de Ru